Current Hours:
Wednesday - Saturday 11am - 5pm
or by appointment
Please call: 828 963 4288
C E L E B R A T I N G 42 Y E A R S

Linda Apriletti
Artist Linda Apriletti, has developed a deep attachment and respect for the rapidly disappearing natural areas and wetlands of Florida. She is an avid outdoorswoman, which fits well with her passion to paint nature every day, whether in the field or studio. Ms Apriletti maintains a summer studio in the North Carolina mountains where she paints en plein air the landscapes of the High Country of North Carolina. She exhibits regularly and her paintings hang in numerous private collections in the US and abroad.
I work primarily in oils on linen panels. I prefer to paint plein air when possible but also work in the studio from my plein air studies and sketches and photographs. Most of my large-scale creative work is done in the studio in a controlled environment; however, I paint plein air for inspiration for these studio paintings and also as my personal study sessions of the landscape. I make numerous sketches and oil color studies for use as reference in doing my studio paintings. I feel that the spontaneity of composition and accuracy of color that results from painting on location is invaluable.
In both my plein air and studio paintings, I am trying to bring a fresh and accurate portrayal of the many moods, quality of light and clarity of color of the changing seasons. I want to draw the viewer into my paintings and perhaps re-kindle a personal memory. People often comment that they feel as if they could walk right into one of my paintings. My goal is to evoke that kind of emotional response in the viewer.