Current Hours:
Wednesday - Saturday 11am - 5pm
or by appointment
Please call: 828 963 4288
C E L E B R A T I N G 42 Y E A R S

Kate Worm
Kate Worm is a versatile artist working in watercolor/gouache and oils on canvas. She utilizes printmaker’s rollers called brayers to create a signature look for her figurative work. She starts by painting abstract shapes on paper. Blocks of color are used to establish an overall design with two and three layers of color added to the paper. Worm’s figurative paintings convey a deep understanding of the balance between warm and cool colors, so the finished paintings are either warm or cool, not floating between two temperatures. Worm’s abstract landscape paintings are sketched and painted on location. After studying and exploring abstract shapes in the landscape, particularly wooded exteriors, she interprets her vision onto a larger canvas in her studio. Many layers of oil paint are applied and sometimes layers are removed to unveil dark/light patterns using rich colors. Worm’s abstract landscape paintings portray subtle changes in textures rolled with a brayer, similar to the technique used in her figurative work.