Current Hours:
Wednesday - Saturday 11am - 5pm
or by appointment
Please call: 828 963 4288
C E L E B R A T I N G 42 Y E A R S

George Cadell
Born in Fort Cobb, Oklahoma, sculptor George Cadell grew up among Native Americans and families descended from the first settlers of the area
when it was known as Big Hunt Country. He listened to the stories and legends of the area passed down which played an important part in his artistic style and his approach to life.
Cadell was established as a landscape painter before turning to sculpture. He works in welded steel and bronze cast from a clay sculpture. His love of nature and wildlife contribute to his artwork, as many of his sculptures are animals: buffalo, deer, and rabbits. He attempts to bring his sculpture to life with movement, texture, and hints of characteristics that project feelings from within his subject matter. Cadell also pulls from his Native American background to sculpt figures with meaningful symbols. His greatest thrill of accomplishment is when his artwork communicates to the viewer his feelings and thoughts which inspired him.
The artwork of Cadell can be seen all over the country, small works in private collections and large commissioned designs for public enjoyment.
His goals are to continue to grow creatively and to paint more of the landscapes that were his first love as an artist.
Cadell earned a B.A. in Art from Southwestern Oklahoma State University and a Master’s from the University of Central Oklahoma. He taught art at the high school level for thirty-six years.