Current Hours:
Wednesday - Saturday 11am - 5pm
or by appointment
Please call: 828 963 4288
C E L E B R A T I N G 42 Y E A R S

Freeman Beard
I grew up in a rural setting in North Carolina, gaining an appreciation for the land, the seasons and the beauty that was all around me. Painting and drawing have always been an important part of my everyday life. While attending the Ringling School of Art and Design, I had the benefit of outstanding teachers who provided me with tools for a life of expressing my creative thoughts. My paintings can be found in private and corporate collections around the country.
My wife Marcia and I live in Durham, North Carolina, with my studio located in my home. This offers me the convenience of having a short trip to my studio, my coffeemaker and my CD player.
For me, painting is an attempt to capture the color, mood and truth of a subject—whether that subject is the mist hanging on the side of a mountain, the color of a flower, or water rushing over a boulder in a mountain stream. Painting landscapes, seascapes, florals and figures allows me variety and an opportunity to look at subjects with a fresh eye and new excitement.
My hobbies—hiking mountain trails, wandering back roads and waterways, along with gardening flowers and weeds—provide me with an endless supply of subject matter.